I was so frustrated because I had worked so hard, did "all the right things" and yet I just couldn't get things to click. I knew I was destined for so much more but regardless of what I did, I kept coming up short. I was broke and it hurt - especially after investing in so many coaches and mentors to help me break through.

Through my work with Prema, I realized I was forcing myself to fit into a vision that wasn't ME on a soul level. I learned to let go of the fear of embracing my gifts. I ended up landing a job where I could be myself 100% and started making more money than I ever did in my life.

Life finally became fun and easy - which I honestly never thought was possible.

Meagan Ruppert

Business Strategist

This has been a total game changer for me! I went from being scattered in my business and only having a couple of clients to totally transforming myself and my business with the power of inner-work in the SBP program. I've attracted ideal clients, raised my prices, created and teach my Freedom Alignment method, wrote a book and even found my soulmate.

Kirsty Boroft

Stress and Anxiety Coach, Author

As I read my descriptions of my Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes, I felt like I saw my whole life coming together. So many past and present experience became connected and aligned to what I know to be my calling in the world. It brought tears to my eyes to read such a deep description of me - my traits, my shadows, what I stand for in the world.

Having this guidebook empowered me to break six-figures this year! I feel like I can sink deeper into my strengths and be consciously aware of my shadow behaviors. Prema's gifts and insights with Vedic Astrology are not to be underestimated. This is an invaluable resource for anyone waiting to take their movement to higher levels.

Rebecca Loveless

Structured Word Inquiry Coach

I absolutely loved Prema Lee Gurreri's interview about the Sacred Wealth Code. I love maps and how they teach us about ourselves. She offers a mapping system, "The Sacred Wealth Code," and her energy and ability to articulate deeply about the human psyche was inspirational and inviting to me.

Tracy Heartsun

I LOVE it when you read a line in a book, and it sinks into your soul so powerfully that you feel like just ONE passage was worth the price of the book! (And I just started reading!)

:According to your soul, wealth is whatever you need—materially, emotionally, and spiritually—to fulfill your purpose on Earth... So, right here, right now, embrace your Soul's desire for wealth and prosperity, and know that once you step into alignment with your soul blueprint for wealth, you will be empowered to actualize your purpose and greater calling in the world." Prema Lee Gurreri (Your Sacred Wealth Code)

Lainna Sutton

I purchased the Oracle Cards with the book, and I am selecting cards and meditating on the characteristics; and some of the things that are manifesting are so all-encompassing in my life.

For example, I can see challenges that are only challenges because of my current perception. Meditate and change perspective, and more possibilities are available from the Universe, and the challenge is so subtle - not a big deal at all. She's causing me to reach a level of my soul that I have not been able to visit on purpose. Very enlightening, to say the least. Thank you, Prema!

Barbara Nakatomi

Since our clearing session, I know what peace feels like in body, mind, and spirit. This is not something I have experienced much in this lifetime.

Jennifer Cloutier

I have more energy and balance in my life, something I’ve struggled with for years. Prema showed me how to let go of my need for control and to work with my fears. When I talk to Prema, I feel lighter, energized and balanced, I’m prepared for whatever I need to do next. Prema taught me how to make the best choices for myself and what to do to make choosing an easy and natural part of each day. I’m still learning, and she is there every step of the way. I’m more effective now in my work and relationships and take much better care of myself.

Peg Marckworth

Personal Branding Consultant

In the sometimes confusing, always challenging world in which we find ourselves, Prema’s extraordinary abilities are a special gift to us all. With all the skills Prema possesses, along with her incisive intuition, she has the power to shine a dazzling amount of light onto your path, illuminating with clarity what previously was inscrutable darkness. She is far more talented than most of us can take advantage of, and once you avail yourself of the experience, you will kick yourself for waiting as long as you did.

Kevin Schmidt

Eleven Winery

Prema gave me my Sacred Wealth Code and I got clear on what my highest-value gifts are and busted free from confusion about how to increase the profits in my business. I attracted an ideal client the very same day worth $10,000 in profits. Because I now know how I am wired for money, I can laser focus on what will actually create the money I've been seeking, while serving the visionaries and entrepreneurs I am truly mean to serve.

Prema continues to teach and guide me in her Soulutionary Blueprint program to use my greatest gifts to do my highest service and I am creating more money doing what I love than I ever have.

Margaret Saizan

Coach for Visionaries and Artists

In working with Prema I've stepped out of the shadows and into the spotlight in my business and my life. I've had continuous, steady, nonstop beautiful forward momentum in increasing my income and growing my tribe by owning my gift as a shamanic healer-teacher and applying the right strategy for me based on my Vedic Astrology chart.

Laurra Sheldon


For years I had been trying to find a life and purposeful work that felt like it fit me, because I was not sure what I was good at anymore. With Prema's guidance, working with the tools in the program, and the community I have created a very healthy income while crafting the kind of purposeful work I truly enjoy. I no longer doubt myself and totally understand my gifts and how I am meant to use them.

Kiki Ong

Organizational Consultant & Leadership Coach

I wanted to reach more people and run online workshops, but I didn't know how to create the bridge for my in person business as naturopathic doctor. As I learned to follow my Soul Blueprint and align with my Wealth Code and higher-value gifts, I was able to step into my higher vision of having my own healing school. I went from running 2 hour workshops to leading a 9-month group program. I now have a thriving business with greater reach and more visibility. I'm able to stay in my integrity, and the flow of my wisdom with laser focused clarity.

Mariangela Parodi

Transformational Intuitive

I was transitioning from a 40 year career in teaching to my own business in Life Coaching for children and I needed clarity around the nuts and bolts of how to do it. I never invested in something like this before and it was a bit scary, but once I joined the program I was welcomed into a beautiful world of discovery, self reflection, skill building, and community. I had the support I needed to not only launch my business, but develop myself!

Laraine Ray

Teacher/Life Coach for Children

I absolutely love this group. I've felt like an outcast for much of my life; always been the square pep pushing myself into a round hole. Just never fit. Here I think and feel at home!

Prema, I absolutely love the support you and your community are flowing to me on my journey to unlocking my Sacred Wealth Code. I feel 'Seen' and valued. I have stepped confidently into my power in the work I do.

Jennifer Kaplan

Leadership Coach using the Horse Human Connection

This work has been instrumental in facilitating the clarity and courage to pursue, and strength for my vision, and working through my blocks that limit my growth. Prema's compassion and expertise has provided guidance in my desire to reinvent myself based on my heart and soul's purpose.

You are such a joy to work with and I am truly grateful to have found you to help me gently find my life's purpose, be true to myself and manifest more money for travel and pursue my art. Prema's program is simply and purely amazing and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Tina Gain

RN and Art Teacher - Art from the Heart

Me before The Soulutionary Blueprint:

No clients - Recently changed my focus on my Biz - Craved an inward approach vs. cranking out some outward structure and trying to do it right - struggled with distraction and needed to know how to focus in when I trailed off.

I was very curious about my gifts, my wealth code, and wanted to be sure I was really truly shining in my gifts.

What I achieved in The Soulutionary Blueprint:

Got crystal clear on my mission and messaging - enjoyed creating great content to engage and build my tribe, started my first ever group program - enjoyed basking in my gifts, and shining in them, taking action that is inspired, playful, creative, and self-nurturing.

Karen Reinhold

Creativity & Music Coach

I came to Prema mainly because I had spent an entire year laser-focused on building my conscious business; After a year of intense work on my conscious business, I still had resistance, self-doubt and a deep knowing that I had more inner work to do. When I found Prema the resonance and connection was powerful. It was crystal clear that her program was my next step in cleaning up my inner alignment. My experience has been amazing. Her and her community are loving, giving, supportive and Prema super in-tune with what's going on in the world of energy. As well, she is always on point with what I need to do. Since doing her trainings, meditations, and processes, I've brought in new clients effortlessly. I am now receiving "downloads," - ideas and intuitive hits, daily. In working with my own clients, my coaching has miraculously transformed and clients are basically blown away. I'm ecstatic!

If you're serious about getting more in touch with your essence, hearing and trusting your inner voice and being able to make a bigger impact in the world, work with Prema sooner than later. She'll help you step into your authenticity and power with grace and ease.

Lisa Winston

Authenticity & Life Reinvention Coach

Working with Prema is as much about healing and clearing blocks as it is about Vedic Astrology. It was profound, enlightening, freeing and surprising. Prema is an enlightened teacher who has skills and wisdom that can help anyone grow, transcend, and awaken to wealth.

Joe Vitale

Best Selling Author, Speaker, Movie Star

As soon as I met Prema I knew she was strong enough to witness my panic and guide me back to my truth... again and again. She was living her life from a place of huge possibility and focused action and she would not let me fall back into a smaller vision of who I am.

My coach/acupuncture practice is flourishing in my home studio (no commute!). I've tapped into a community of leaders in my field who reflect my wisdom and value back to me. My income has tripled and continues to grow. And... I'm happy. Really happy.

My work with Prema set the foundation for joy and satisfaction that sits in the core of my being and does not change with the changing circumstances of my life. I am forever grateful and could not recommend her program more highly.

Laya Rasnick

Acupuncturist, Holistic Health Coach

Since joining Prema's program I have made breakthroughs that have allowed me to step into ownership of my talent, skill and confidence as a solopreneur.

I felt so supported with Prema's guidance and her ability to discern key timing issues for launches, as well as personal support based on Vedic Astrology and her deep understanding of how I 'tick'. I've significantly increased my income, hired a great team, released an eBook, and confidently presented a 2-hour training at a recent conference of high-level coaches, psychologists and energy medicine practitioners.

Dana Louise Williams

"The Artist of Change" EFT/NLP Expert

The book is amazing, and the cards are so much fun to play with. Prema Lee Gurreri has a wonderful way of helping people understand themselves and others, through both her book and when working with her in person.

Julia Manson Cheng

Prema has an incredible ability to unveil those unnamed barriers that you don't even know are getting in the way of what you want. I love how her work beautifully helps me connect to my heart and head to have those conversations so they can agree about what my soul really desires once I get out of my own way.

As a result I am manifesting wealth in my Health Coaching business and have the clients and programs I've always wanted.

Luene Maxwell

I get a lot of astrology done, even Vedic Astrology. That's because I want to make sure that anything that I do has the full support of the planetary forces behind me and most importantly is in alignment with my higher calling and soul blueprint. Prema helped me see my Sacred Wealth Code with great clarity, something that I've always felt called towards, but had no idea it was actually written in my astrological chart. What I loved about my Sacred Wealth Code reading with her is the fact that she combines insight with strategy, allowing me to know HOW to move forward to claim my true destiny!

Lorna Li

Entrepreneurs for Change

My Soul Success Map Session with Prema was beyond what I could have expected. She was extremely thorough and accurate with reading my chart and answering my burning questions and helping me to shift my energy around. Her on the spot intuitive abilities gave me clarity, insight and guidance into my love life, business life, and goals for the year ahead. She cleared a block I had around love and I met an extraordinary man within a few days. I found this session invaluable. On top of that Prema cares and takes time to dive deep into areas you have more questions or concerns.

Melissa Kathryn

Weight Loss & Lifestyle Expert

For years, I felt stuck and confused, then came to Prema. She was incredibly skillful at knowing just what I needed help with to gain clarity and step into the person I know myself to be. Today, I am now better able to trust myself, set healthier boundaries, and make empowered choices. Just being in Prema Lee's presence is a gift. I joined Prema's program because my intuition told me that she was my Coach.

I got the value of the entire program back in a single client before I received one email or had one call. Just the focus that made me show up, and keep showing up, until my cash flow happened, changed things for me. It has also given me more connection to clients on this issue and made me feel pretty invincible.

Tanya Stewart, Esq.

The Life Purpose Catalyst

Your Sacred Wealth Code goes far beyond applying spiritual principles to charting what can be an elusive path to prosperity. Prema Lee Gurreri not only describes a conscious path to freedom and wealth, she also asks the penetrating questions to reveal what wealth means to you personally and the beliefs and cultural messages that stand in your way. Prepare to do some soul searching with this beautiful book as you align internally with the expansion you - and your soul - want to experience in all areas of your life: money, energy, love and time.

Gail Larsen

Best-selling author of Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story

A whirling, spinning girl made of golden light, with coins cascading from her hands in spirals as she danced in my heart center - this is what I saw the first time I ever spoke to Prema. I have so much gratitude for being led to this warm-hearted, intuitive woman who made it possible for me to learn business skills and seek wealth in a sacred manner.

Mary Guillermin

The way we have been taught to think about wealth and money is too narrow; it doesn't serve us anymore. If you're passionate about growing a life and business that is totally in sync with you, your purpose, your passion, and your mission in the world, Your Sacred Wealth Code is the key to your success. It goes beyond strategy to the core of what makes us tick as wealth attractors. I highly recommend this book!

Bret Gregory

author of Attract Customers Now From Facebook: Simple, Cost-Effective Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Thank you, Prema, for sharing your conscious wealth wisdom! We loved that you identified wealth as more than materialism, including spiritual and emotional wealth. You have put together a well-written, effective and eye-opening book that helps the reader identify where they may be blocking their own abundance. We certainly feel ready and able to allow and create more wealth after reading!

Tamara Veitch DeFazio & Rene DeFazio

authors of One Great Year and the Great Year Series

Everyone has wealth locked inside of them. The key is uncovering what is stopping you from achieving it. Prema's book demonstrates how you can easily apply the truth of wealth to your life based on who you already are! As a Global Brand Visionary and Empowerment Coach for women leaders, I feel that this work is needed in the world; I highly recommend this book to everyone struggling to master wealth in their lives!

Heather Picken

best-selling author of Woman On Firm, entrepreneur, founder of HeatherPicken.com

Having worked personally with Prema, I know her intuitive and healing capacity firsthand. She is the real deal, and in her book, Your Sacred Wealth Code, she takes her extensive personal and professional experience and distills it into a powerful framework for accessing and activating your true wealth - a wealth that is not just about having more than enough money, but about attracting more than enough of everything you need to live an amazing, meaningful life. As you read and apply the wisdom in this book, you will be turning on the divine power plant within you that can provide everything you need, want, hope for, and desire in an ever-expanding, never-ending flow of prosperity. So, read this book! Unlock Your Wealth Code, and live the life you were truly meant to live!

Derek Rydall

best-selling author of Emergence, host of the top podcast, "Emergence"

Prema tasks us on a journey in this beautiful and wise book, Your Sacred Wealth Code that has never been presented before. This is easily one of the most practical and enlightening journeys to real wealth, with a definitely personal twist. Prema has helped thousands discover their passion and purpose, and channel that into true and permanent wealth. This is a can't-miss book that may not only change your world but will change the world. Prema walks her talk, and is a true leader in wealth consciousness on the planet at this time.

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge

ND, CNH, Energy Healer, Remote Viewer, Radio Host of "Secret to Everything" on The X Zone, founder of SecretToEverything.com

There are people in this world who are extraordinarily gifted, and Prema Lee Gurreri is one of those people. In her latest book, Your Sacred Wealth Code; Unlock Your Soul Blueprint For Purpose and Prosperity, Prema brilliantly presents a well a written playbook full of stories, questions, and exercises that take the reader on a journey of inner wisdom. The more one delves into the book, the more the path becomes illuminated, leading to joyous discovery of purpose and its connection to wealth as it relates to one's relationships, career, business, finances and more. I love this book and Prema's insights. Its time has come.

Terry Wildemann

CEC, CPCC, CPBA, professional speaker, certified Success Coach, author

I am so pleased that I have been paying for my business partner and recommended Prema to my daughter! Prema and I have been working together since 2013. After months of dragging my feet, I engaged Prema as I was launching my company and chairing a large community fund-raiser. Prema helped guide me through the fund-raiser, deal with stressful family dynamics and help with product roll out in 2016. We are now in a position to turn our company into a profitable enterprise and I could not have done this without her guidance. Do not hesitate!

Pamela Fleischer

Your Sacred Wealth Code lays out a transformational path for aligning with your purpose so ‘wealth springs like a fountain.’ It will open your eyes to how we limit ourselves when we think of wealth as being exclusively about money. And best of all, it will show you once and for all that you can’t have true wealth without living your purpose … and how to discover exactly what your purpose is. I highly recommend this wise and compassionate road map for finally sharing your deepest gifts with the world, and receiving all the gifts the world has in store for you.

Jennifer Cornbleet

Success Coach, best-selling author of Raw Food Made East, founder of TastyLifeCoaching.com

Working with Prema is like a giant spiritual permission slip to step into your brilliance. With her keen insight, astrology genius, and vast experience, she helped create a plan for me to become the leader I need in my business. Conversely, Prema helped me to cut a painful cord from my past that I hadn’t been able to do previously. She has helped me to open my heart to love and to what is possible for my future. Prema asks the important questions and allowed me to give my inner critic a well deserved vacation!

Nikol Peterman

Empowerment Coach for Artists/Choreographer/Writer

Understanding my SACRED Wealth Code has helped me deepen in my life -- I have understood this at a DEEP CORE level and stumbled through my life feeling out my feminine part of myself. It's never been taught, so I have had to find my own processes with SOURCE to connect me. Meeting Prema Lee with her teaching has confirmed those parts of my deepest SOUL gifts. It's allowed me to open up in new ways. The group around me has helped me to move into alignment with my SOUL PURPOSE. I might say this was a happy accident, however realizing that intuition is very powerful and much about what I teach is further confirmation and serendipity at PLAY!

Klara Goldy

Prema guides and coaches you in a way that lets your soul shine. Through you, not for you. She will help you get on purpose and align with your greatest gifts. If you feel all out of whack, she will help you turn back to center. She’s the wisest friend you wish you always had, to ground you and help you find your true path through the rough patches and happiest moments. Bottom line, don’t wait another moment to work with her.

Will LaBonte


For years, I felt stuck and confused about my marriage and came to Prema. She was incredibly skillful at knowing just what I needed helped me gain clarity and step into the person I know myself to be. Today, I am now better able to trust myself, set healthier boundaries, and make empowered choices, Just being in Prema Lee’s presence is a gift.

Sharon Negri

Prema’s guidance and coaching is spot on and helped me transform the patterns holding me back from fully showing up with my gifts and talents. I’m clearer than ever on the work I am meant to do.

Shefali Burns

Host, Awaken To Happiness Now - Healer, Coach, Entrepreneur

Transformational Coaching with Prema Lee have been amazing. She’s intelligent, knowledgeable and brings focus and her intuitive spirit to each session. She is an amazing guide and mentor and has helped bring clarity and inspiration to me that has helped me embrace my true path. Her training in yoga, energetic healing, coaching, meditation, and astrology create rich transformational and learning experiences. I walk away with new tools to create a powerful life.

Sara B. Cooper

Astrologer, Script Writer

Potential is the science of navigating your personal infinity. Prema makes you check your pockets until you find your compass. I was engaged in several careers at once and struggling with which career path was the right one for me. Prema helped me become fully aware of my potential and of my purpose with which, now, I can actualize more clearly in my work with this world. I now clearly know and am navigating my life in alignment with my purpose and mission. So, rather than running circles in my head, cursing at the map, I can enjoy the infinite possibilities that surround me everyday as I travel through my life. I now know I am making the difference I am truly here to make.

Guy Sidora

At least once a day, I find myself thanking Prema (silently) for her gifts of unusually perceptive insight, guidance and compassion. They came at a critical moment in my life, not too surprising I suppose, and have given me unparalleled perspective to navigate a particularly complex time in my life. I have always treasured knowing Prema, personally and professionally, and highly respect her abilities as Vedic Astrologer along with the rest of her powerful skill set. She can add a valuable dimension to anyone’s understanding of their immediate and unfolding personal dynamic and life.

Salvatore Zambito

The Yoga Sutras Institute

I want you to know that I feel enormously grateful for your insight and clarity. You have reaffirmed my sincere belief in the importance of availing oneself to gifted professionals. Your compassionate and clear counseling style, along with your intuitive and intelligent interpretation of my Soul choices and my current life challenges, has inspired great confidence and clarity within me. I feel more focused than ever and more willing to have faith in my own process, as you were able to help me discover all the ways in which I can empower myself and achieve my aspirations for more abundance, and professional success. My journey with you has empowered me to re-align my life with my purpose and mission in career.

Mary Blyth

Transformational Coaching

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