Hi, I'm Prema.

Leading Vedic Astrologer, Author and Creator of Your Sacred Wealth Code

The best kept secret behind successful women

Also referred to by many as powerful Prema. But here's the thing, everyone has access to their power the way I've accessed mine.

My expertise lies in unlocking your soul blueprint for purpose and prosperity, guiding you towards you fullest potential. My approach is not just transformative; it's revolutionary. I don't just guide you towards success - I help you redefine success on your own terms to create aligned wealth that amplifies divine purpose.

As the creator and award-winning author of "Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity," I offer a comprehensive suite of tools including a book, oracle card deck, and journal. These resources empower individuals to tap into their innate gifts and align with their true calling.

When we do what we are uniquely great at - rather than what we are merely good at - we invoke the power of our soul blueprint and our birthright for success. 

I believe that our souls know what we are supposed to do to create wealth and make our impact. But I hadn't yet found the key to accessing this soul information. Then I discovered the Sacred Wealth Code...

Years ago, I had a successful yoga and healing arts center grossing a healthy six figures.

I thought I was living my purpose by using my gifts to do the work I was meant to do. 

My seemingly successful business was not so successful, as each month, I was going further into debt.

My business was costing me dearly because I did not yet know what I now call, The Sacred Wealth Code.

I ended up losing the business and my marriage, and in the blink of an eye, I found myself as a single parent totally burnt out, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

I don't know if you've ever hit rock bottom... but it's a dark place.

Every dark place also has light to pull us through. My dark night of the soul forced me to go deep inside and listen to my intuition in a way that I hadn't before.

With my mind and ego put aside, I was able to receive the information that became The Sacred Wealth Code. My life transformed as I applied the principles.

I knew this was to be my life's work.

From there, I created Soulutionary® readings, programs, and products to empower clients to lead lives at the intersection of purpose and prosperity and live from their Sacred Wealth Codes.

Through the ancient wisdom of Vedic Astrology, I illuminate your unique Soul Blueprint, revealing the divine design of your highest potential. Together, we activate your Sacred Wealth Code®, unlocking your innate gifts and transformative powers while releasing the shadow patterns that have kept your true abundance dormant. This cosmic roadmap guides you to embody your spiritual gifts in service of both material prosperity and soul-aligned purpose.

I'm the creator and Multi-Award Winning author of Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity, as well as an Oracle Card Deck and Journal of the same name.

In my personal life...

Every place I live becomes a garden of food and flowers. With a great love of music, I study the art of sacred sound and mantra. I  enjoy playing the harmonium, crystal singing bowls and chanting. My references to journeys are figurative and literal: my travels, including blue water sailing aboard a 38-foot yacht that I called home for several years in Mexico, the San Juan Islands, and British Columbia. These provide me with experiences that help me guide others. The blessing of growing up with horses has given me valuable lessons in intuitive connection and self-trust.

I have the honor of being a mom to amazing children who are now in their thirties. I live just outside of Seattle near the water with my beloved and Bella, the standard poodle. When I’m not serving my mission, you can find me in the garden, climbing mountains, at the beach, doing yoga, meditating, or star gazing.

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