Sacred Wealth Code | Wealth Alignment Processes and Meditations

Start here and watch this short video where I share with you where to start and the best way to use these powerful processes and meditations that are also found written in the book. In the table of contents you can see which page they are on. 

I suggest you work through these sequentially with the book, but if you want to jump ahead you will still gain
loads of benefits from engaging with any of them at any time.

How to Drop Into Your Heart | Your Sacred Wealth Code

Do this first! This simple meditation is incorporated into all of the processes. It will help you get results right away. You can also do it daily as a stand alone practice to tap deeply into your inner knowing and connect with your Sacred Wealth Code.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 1

The Why In Your Wealth Vision

In this process you will discover your purpose for creating wealth.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 2

How to get aligned and moving forward with your purpose for wealth.

You will learn how to know what to do and when to do it.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 3

Fuel For Your Wealth Purpose.

You will discover how to fuel your wealth purpose to put you at the intersection of purpose and prosperity.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 4

Igniting the Fuel for Your Wealth Purpose.

You will discover how to ignite the fuel for your wealth purpose and what to do to keep you living at the intersection of purpose and prosperity so you can start creating more wealth now.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 5

Discovering Your Personal Superpowers.

Discover how to connect with your greatest gifts and talents, so you can consistently live
at the intersection of purpose and prosperity.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 6: Part 1

Access Your Superpowers and Change the World.

Discover which of your greatest gifts are your "highest-value" gifts and talents that not only you want to give the world, but the world wants from you.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 6: Part 2

Access Your Superpowers and Change the World.

Discover which of your greatest gifts are your "highest-value" gifts and talents that not only you want to give the world, but the world wants from you.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 7

The Gift in Your Challenge.

In this process I will take you on an inner journey to discover your gifts in your challenges and how to take action to step into your gifts and start using them now.

Wealth Alignment Practice & Meditation 8

Bringing the Shadow Into the Light.

In this process you will connect your challenge to the shadow side of one of your Archetypes and discover how to transform the shadow energy into the light, so you can get out of your own way and start using your superpowers to create more wealth.

Did you know your SACRED WEALTH CODE is made up of 3-4 Wealth Archetypes?

Meet the rest of your Archetypes that are part of your Divine Plan for wealth and encoded in your soul blueprint as your Sacred Wealth Code. Learn more about your Wealth Council, and align your life with your purpose and prosperity.


An Exclusive membership for heart centered purpose driven souls who are ready to create a wealthy life from the inside out.

The Sacred Wealth Collective is an exclusive membership to elevate your to power show up and shine with your high-value gifts and create a wealthy life from the inside-out with Prema's mentorship and the Sacred Wealth Code principals.

Join a powerful community of men and women activating their true potential and aligning with their soul purpose to manifest lasting wealth - spiritually, emotionally, and financially.


Leading Vedic Astrologer | Author & Creator of Your Sacred Wealth code®

Also know as the secret power behind successful women

Prema's expertise lies in unlocking each person's soul blueprint for purpose and prosperity, guiding them towards their fullest potential.

Her approach is not just transformative; it's revolutionary. She doesn't just guide you towards success - she helps you redefine success on your own terms.

Prema shows up authentically -- fun, powerful and spicy, delivering the truth straight from the heart that dissolves barriers and moves you to elevate your life and business.

As the creator and award-winning author of "Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity," Prema offers a comprehensive suite of tools including a book, oracle card deck, and journal. These resources empower individuals to tap into their innate gifts and align with their true calling.

Want to Discover Your Unique Sacred Wealth Archetype, According to Vedic Astrology?

Take the Quiz to Learn More.

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Neither Prema Lee Gurreri, the CVA, nor its board members or professional practitioners, have any association or affiliation with the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology (IAVAN), and the IAVAN is using CVA materials without the CVA’s consent.

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