New Beginnings – April New Moon & Mercury Retrograde [Video]

The new moon is a time for new beginnings and this new moon in Aries starts the next yearly cycle through the constellations of the zodiac. This energy calls you to remember that everything in life is cyclical and we can always begin again. In order to begin again, something has to end. So embrace what is coming to completion right now, so you can start fresh and use this new cycle to up level what is most important to YOU.

What cycle in your way of being, your life or your business is it time to end so you can begin fresh again?

Currently there are three planets retrograding, including Mercury. Mercury is the Communicator, Messenger, and Merchant in my Sacred Wealth Code Archetypes. Mercury will be retrograding until May 3rd.

You may find that communication and technology are a bit off and have glitches. I had a technology breakdown that was highly inconvenient, but what Mercury is always here to remind us of is the value in being flexible! When you’re flexible you don’t get bent out of shape and can always find a solution, and often a better way of doing something in the process. Because of where Mercury is right now, the Messenger is activated and bringing new messages down to earth, so you will want to be listening in close to your inner guidance and intuition.

In this video I share with you how to make the best use of all this energy in your life and business and how to avoid unnecessary set backs.


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Much Love,

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