New Moon in Leo August 2022 | Vedic Astrology

The fiery New Moon in Leo on August 27th will empower you to get clear on your vision for what you are here to lead and inspire you to be creative with your leadership.

There is a deep soul calling to tune in to cosmic consciousness on the New Moon and receive your divine directions for this next thirty day cycle from the inside-out.

Mars is impatiently aspecting this New Moon, so be careful not to make decisions out of fear, anger or worry. Wait until after the New Moon when you feel more settled and clear.

Mercury the great Communicator and Merchant is exalted in Virgo until the end of October and is great for clear communication before it goes retrograde on September 9th.

Watch this video and I will share more about the New Moon and how to make the best use of this auspicious energy. 

Much Love,

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