February 2022 Vedic Astrology Forecast | Commitment

This is a cosmically powerful month with two rare planetary events and all the retrograde energy turns direct for the forward momentum you have been waiting for.

Things will start moving more easily as long as you are aware of what you are aligned with and committed to.

Here’s what I mean….

By the end of the month we will have almost all the planets in Capricorn with Saturn calling you to commit and do the purposeful work to make progress in several areas of your life and business. Saturn is the Administrator and Organizer in the Sacred Wealth Code system.

If you are not spiritually aligned or misaligned with your purpose this will be a challenging transit with many delays. If you are…then you will make steady strides forward.

Mars and Venus will be together in a rare transit together for two months and you will need to know how to manage your energy around these two very opposite energies.

Watch the video and I will shed light on how to navigate powerful cosmic forces this month. 

Much Love,

PS Are you ready to align your business with astrology? Then you are ready for the Aligned Entrepreneur Business Oracle Reading.
In this deep dive private session we will map out your products, services and launch seasons to align your business with your Soul Blueprint to have your best year ever.

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