The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

I am grateful you’re in my community and we’re on this path together living from the inside-out, as conscious creators. In the spirit of celebrating the coming holiday’s and nearing the end of the year, I want to encourage you to tap intoΒ the power of gratitude.

Gratitude and appreciation are superpowers that everyone is blessed with. They’re some of the best tools in your toolbox for uplifting yourself and others. Science shows that when you are grateful or appreciative you not only upgrade your frequency, but you also up level your vibration of everyone and everything around you… including our beloved planet earth.

Gratitude = Receivership
Appreciation = Adding Value

It’s also a prime time for you to step into your authentic leadership and help others use their gratitude muscles to get in touch with what has bloomed their hearts open. I have a practice that I call “The Full Circle of Gratitude” that I want to share with you with 3 tools I created to help you power up your appreciation.

Click the video below and I will teach you the “Full Circle of Gratitude” practice.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel: Hover over my photo in the top left-hand corner of the video to click the subscribe button so you don’t miss any important updates.

3 tools for powering up your gratitude and appreciation:

  1. Click here to download: The Full Circle of Gratitude for Gatherings process
  2. Click here to download: The Full Circle of Gratitude – 7 Days of Self Appreciation
  3. Click here to download: The Full Circle of Gratitude – Meditation (or listen below)

Much Love,

P.S. Comment below with what you are most grateful for.


2 thoughts on “The Power of Gratitude

    1. Hi Heidi,

      You are most welcome. It is truly my pleasure. I appreciate you letting me know how it touched you.

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