[Energy Update] Are you an innovator?

It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride lately… because it’s time for a shift. This energy was set off by the Lunar Eclipse we had a couple weeks ago and we’ll have a partial Solar Eclipse on February 15th to complete this shift.

This shift is calling you to be innovative and bring your ideals to earth and create the change that you want to make in the world from the inside-out.

Here’s what I mean… this shift is supporting you in accessing your inner fortitude and commitment to blend with the outer values that you want to be in service with, to create the social change in the world that is most important to YOU.

In this video I share with you how you can get off the roller coaster and get up to speed with this important shift.

Sacred Wealth Code Reading

Sacred Wealth Circle

Sacred Wealth Business Academy

Much Love,

4 thoughts on “[Energy Update] Are you an innovator?

  1. Thank you Prema I very much enjoyed feel prompted to write you I bought your book sacred wealth code last year in summertime my husband out income earner no work 12 month still none today had a quadruple bypass it caused me severe fear panic attack
    – but only flash read it – though I know I must make my shift Now!!

    I do have some work to do around my belief of myself I know I am a light worker I currently volunteer my time as a senior Leader with tony Robbins and I thrive on the transformation that I personally contribute to whilst I’m at live events and when people reach out to me to thank me but that doesn’t pay bills and we are raising 4 children 17,16,11,9

    I am going to do a free Master Stephen Co twin hearts meditation today to ponder on your idea of innovation my contribution where I can be more consciously entrepreneurial and share my love and light I am drawn to masculine and feminine energies but also wanting to shed light on neutral gender fluid energy to own our core selves

    Wishing you many new moon wishes today and a fabulous year of the Dog

    My birthdate 10/29/1970 9am -10am

    1. Prema

      The Real Person!

      Author Prema acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      HI Claudia,
      I appreciate you sharing your journey with me. Pick up the book and really dive in and do the work. It will serve you I promise. It is great you are volunteering in work you believe in, but as you said you need to pay the bills. It sounds like you have some direction in working with masculine and feminine energy. I have a passion for that work myself. There is a leader in you that is used to leading from behind the scenes. It’s time to step out with your gifts. In the Sacred Wealth Circle we work a lot with moving past our blocks to really embody our gifts.

      Much Love,

  2. Hi Prema!

    Thanks for much for another awesome video! This one was a serious synchronicity for me! I “randomly” had the idea to add coaching services to my website around the time of last month’s lunar eclipse and have been working my butt off since then to get everything in order. I’m hoping to launch those services within the next few days (aka, in the wake of this solar eclipse!), and despite all the resistance and fears that have been coming up, I’m still convinced launching it NOW is the best possible thing for me and any potential clients. Your video helped me uncover some of those fears and definitely helped to remind me that right now is indeed the time to launch – so again, thanks a bunch!!


    1. Prema

      The Real Person!

      Author Prema acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hi Hannah,

      Yes, now is the time! Keep moving through whatever Fear, false evidence appearing real, that you have because we need you to shine your gifts. If you need support and a like minded tribe check out the Sacred Wealth circle or Business Academy.

      Much Love,

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