Blue Moon and the Radiant Queen Archetype

Whew! The energy has been intense this week with where Mars has been. I hope you were able to avoid conflict and emotional eruptions.

The energy is clearing up now and the Blue Moon on April 29th will shine a flood light of clarity on you to help you can stand firmly in your power while being in your best service to the world, without losing YOURSELF.

This personal empowerment energy cycle started with the last New Moon calling you to root deeply into your authenticity and personal empowerment. The underlying intention must be for the good of all… or else the ego will have a hay day and make it all about you.

This Blue Moon is a gateway to integrate your authenticity and empowerment with your purposeful service in the world. So take some time to meditate, journal, have a deep conversation to get very about what you are in service to.

The Queen is one of the Moon’s Archetypes. Are you a Queen?

As a Queen Archetype you are:

Regal. Courageous. Prosperous. Loyal. Powerful. Compassionate. Intuitive. Responsible. Administrative. Knowledgeable. Trustworthy.

The Queen is a wise, radiant, regal, and empowered divine feminine leader who is wise beyond her years. She knows her value and is potently tapped into the essence of prosperity.

As a Queen, you take a stand for sovereignty in the way you lead and live your life. You are in touch with your authentic purpose, and really take responsibility for it. Your mission reflects what is good for the collective.

Mantra:“I am an empowered feminine leader.”

Soul Desire: To wield power for positive growth and order.

Purpose: To create a successful and prosperous business, community, or family.

Shadow: Unable to delegate. Being a dictator. Self-righteous. Tyrannical. Over-controlling.


Click below to watch this inspiring interview with Kiki Ong, Queen Business Consultant and Success Excellerator. She will deeply move you as she shares with you what it took for her to embrace her gift of the divine feminine leadership to grow her mission and business and how she stopped her self-sabotage by making peace with her shadow Queen.

Did you vote yet? There is still time to vote for Your Sacred Wealth Code Book and Oracle Cards in this years COVR Awards (Coalition of Visionary Resources) in four categories each. Click here to vote now for both, in all four categories. It takes less than 5 minutes:


Much Love,

P.S. Get Your Sacred Wealth Code Oracle Cards here.

P.S.S. Click here to watch the replay of, “Meet the Modern Muse”

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