September is a slow month with six planets retrograde and is calling us to re-evaluate many areas of life. It is time to tie up loose ends before the changes October will bring.
Next month we are in Eclipse season with two final eclipses in the current eclipse pattern of Aries and Libra. The nodes shift in November for a new growth and challenge cycle.
On the bright side we have Venus (Connector) and Mercury (Communicator) going direct this month and empowering us to make some new choices in relationships, business and any clearing up confusion so we can make some important choices we may have been holding off on.
We had a powerful Full Moon Sacred Healing Circle to heal relationship issues and reclaiming our power and healing relationship issues. You can get the replay here!
And much moreβ¦
Watch the forecast and I will guide you on how to navigate this month’s slow but powerful cosmic energy!
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