[Energy Update] What to expect in 2018

2017 was one heck of a year. It seemed like every day there was a new hurdle to jump – on a personal level, as well as on a global level.

So what’s coming in 2018? Is it going to be as challenging of a year at 2017? Is there a way to be prepared for what’s to come so that you can stay more in alignment?

Yes. From an astrological perspective, you can be prepared so that you can flow through the ups and downs with more ease and grace. Diving under the wave, as opposed to being pummeled by it, so to speak.

To gain this perspective and get some great practical steps you can take to make this your best year,  watch the video below where I’m interviewed by my dear friend, Devani Freeman where we have a deep discussion about how to be aligned and in flow in 2018.

We discuss:

  • What to expect in 2018 from an energetic perspective – will it be as challenging as 2017?
  • What you should focus on this year to go to the next level
  • What you should be preparing to release and what to step into in order to to open to your deeper purpose
  • How to stay in the light and aligned with your higher truth so you can trust yourself and feel more confident in living into your Sacred Wealth Code
  • What the Divine Feminine is being called to lead
  • And much more

Click the video below and I will share with you how to successfully navigate the coming year with more ease and grace.

Much Love,

P.S. If you missed last weeks, Get through Mercury Retrograde with Ease, you can watch it here.

3 thoughts on “[Energy Update] What to expect in 2018

  1. With all the tumult and constant change in societal mores and politics, I tend to be a silent observer, not really knowing my “”place” and therefore not really voicing where I stand on issues. Maybe this is the Libra in me, but if what you suggest rings true, how do I take a “stand” or take a side without feeling imbalanced. Because, especially during 2017 I felt the scales tipping back and forth which lent to confusion, and not knowing what is the “:truth” anymore. Maybe this is my shadow not wanting to manifest or step into my true feelings and therefore take a certain side, but at the same time it can serve as one of my gifts (staying on the fence) because then I can truly see the comings and goings. But some people perceive my ambivalence as not being truthful, and being “shady” by only choosing sides when it most benefits me.

    1. Prema

      The Real Person!

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      I would agree it is your shadow keeping you from the truth. You will need to bring your shadow into the light so you can get really clear on what is true for you. Then you can take action as need be. You have a people pleaser aspect to you. I know this one well and have had to grow past it. xox

  2. ThankYou for this video I’ve been working on my personal mission statement and love that I have added in surrender!!

    I claudia see hear feel and know that I am love and light. I am a Leader. I surrender so that my energy radiates beauty growth and inspiration to be do and have more – So be it!

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